What is Piano Analytics?
Piano Analytics is a comprehensive software package designed to help you optimize your digital experience. Piano Analytics is specifically designed to help companies measure their content performance and understand user behavior across platforms.
How does the integration work
When customers use Piano Analytics for their website, we pick up the Piano Analytics data, specifically Site IDs, Domains, and Visitor ids through our fs.js script.
NOTE: If you want to use this Piano integration, you will need to contact us in order to get the right extractions set up in our side to store the Piano parameters.
The integration is set through creating a workflow in the Engagement Builder using our webhook. There is no need for Authentication when setting up the workflow.
Do you want to know more about our Engagement Builder? Click here.
Step 1: Go to the Engagement Builder, set a name for the workflow, and select the account as usual.
Step 2: Set the event and criteria
Trigger this workflow when: A customer call ends
Step 3: Setup the delivery criteria that you would like.
What do you want to send?
A webhook should be sent to us and you can find our endpoint below.
{{ meas_custom_dynamic.pa_cd }}/events?s={{ meas_custom_dynamic.pa_sid }}&idclient={{ meas_custom_dynamic.pa_vid }}

How do you want to authenticate the webhook?
The webhook does not require any authentification.
POST body:
"events": [ {
"name": "phone_call",
"data": {
"b:answered": {{ call_status }},
"n:duration": {{ duration }}
"b:bot_detection": false
Content type:
Step 4: Activate the workflow and you will be setup!
If you have any additional questions regarding this inergration please feel free to contact our support team by clicking the contact us button at the top of this article. We are always happy to help!
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