Etracker is an analytics tool, similar to Google Analytics. Because it currently lacks a real API, in order to upload our call data we create a virtual page view. In other words we send the same data as their own tracking script would send when a visitor navigates the website and in addition we append call data which relates to the call.
It can be easily enabled in your Kaisa account.
Here's how to do it:
1. Log in to Kaisa, open the Workflows tab and search for Etracker.
2. Click on the toggle to activate it.
What we track
(javascript variables exposed by etracker script, via fs.js):
- et_et
- et_ver
- et_ilevel
- et_dh
- et_coid
What we send
- All of the above
- Call start time
- Call end time
- Call duration
- Call status (answered/missed)
- Kaisa call ID
- User agent
- Callers from area (like Uppsala for 018 in Sweden)
- End number (end destination number/ the customer's number)
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