What business problem does it address?
Existing contact centre solutions and companies with a network of retailers are unable to utilise the caller’s digital journey to distribute and assign calls to the right team prior to the call. It forces companies to implement IVR solutions which ask callers to qualify themselves using voice or keypad entry manually. The IVR is unable to understand the digital context of the caller and provides no opportunity for calls to be ranked and prioritised based on value or buyer intent.
Digital businesses who rely on legacy technology like IVRs lack the ability to deliver data-driven personalised experiences through automation. It maintains an environment where there is little opportunity to increase revenue and AOV.
How can the ‘Predictive Routing’ workflow help companies?
Kaisa's first ever ‘Predictive Routing’ workflow helps companies manage sales opportunities more intelligently by prioritising high value calling customers and connecting callers to the right teams faster, completely removing the need for IVR, while reducing drop off rates.
The predictive routing workflow is triggered by communication events fed by real-time visitors’ digital context. This workflow determines who the call is assigned to - a person or a group of people. The workflow can also predefine how the call will be distributed. Calls can be broadcasted to all team members simultaneously to increase pickup rates or cascaded in a predefined order to help reduce the volume of missed calls.
What are the benefits of this feature?
- Build dynamic customer journeys from segmented audiences.
- Automate the assignment and distribution of callers to teams or individuals based on their digital profile and completely remove the need for an IVR.
- Build segments of callers based on estimated value to rank and prioritises callers in the queue.
- Improve pick-up-rates and reduce abandonment by defining distribution methods to broadcast or cascaded calls.
- Callers can reach customer service agents faster.
- Companies can increase AOV, revenue, and brand loyalty by optimising customer experience.
If you want to know how to set this workflow up, you can find all the details and explanations here.
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