This resource is used to fetch the latest online footprint details for a specific visitor using their from_nr. The response will include data for the latest session.
Mandatory parameters
Name | Type | Description |
customer_id | int | Kaisa's unique ID for customer. |
from_nr | string | Callers phone number in E.164 format (+46...) |
This resource is used to fetch the latest online footprint details for a specific visitor using the call_id. The response will include data for the latest session.
Mandatory parameters
Name | Type | Description |
call_id | string | Unique Kaisa call identifier - also known as cdr_id (Call Data Records ID) |
Optional parameters
Name | Type | Description |
channel | string | Channel used for this visit (Paid Search/SEO/Direct/etc) |
keyword | string | Paid search keyword used (might be empty). |
js_client_data | array | Dynamic data array containing online identifiers picked up by the Kaisa javascript, depending on enabled workflows. For example, this will contain the parameter "p_gclid_ga" containing the Google Analytics Client ID (CID) if the Google Analytics workflow is enabled. |
pages_visited | array | List of URLs visited during this session. |
first_page_visited | string | URL of the first page visited during this session. |
last_page_visited | string | URL of the last page visited. |
referrer | string | URL of the referrer (might be empty). |
user_agent | string | User Agent as sent by the client. |
mobile_user_agent | int | Identifier for device type used. 0 = desktop, 1 = smartphone, 2 = tablets. |
ipaddr | string | Anonymised IP address of the visitor. |
number_of_visits | int | Number of previous visits (sessions). |
latest_sessions | array | Array of the 5 latest sessions made by this visitor. |
advanced_assignment | array | Array of instructions for advanced assignments workflow. |
segments | array | Array of segments matched for this visit. |
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