Verifying an address in Germany.
Sometimes you may need to verify address details to see if they will be accepted by our local provider, or if the address details you have don't correspond to a valid address.
In order to do this, you can use send a POST request to our API resource below that communicates with our provider to check the address details, as:
This resource has 4 mandatory parameters:
- zip
- street
- housenr
- city
You can query these using your preferred API process, and run the query using your Master account credentials. If you need specific IPs whitelisted or help with your API credentials please reach out to our support team (
An example of a request is: STR.&housenr=27&city=AUGSBURG
Our provider will then respond with the correct NDC to use for the given address, and also with the closest match for the address, or with any errors to be corrected.
An example of an address error:
"errors": {
"verify_de_address": "Address not found"
An example of a successful response.
"address": {
"success": true,
"details": "Area code for this address should be 821",
"areacode": "821",
"foundAddress": {
"city": "Augsburg OT Antonsviertel",
"housenr": "27",
"street": "Gögginger Str.",
"zip": "86159"
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