This resource is used to retrieve CDRs for inbound calls. Please see the note on paging.
Mandatory parameters
Optional parameters
Name | Type | Description |
from_date | string | From date in UTC, format 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'. |
to_date | string | To date in UTC, format 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'. |
customer_id | int | Kaisa's unique ID for customer. |
source_id | int | Kaisa's unique ID for source. |
custnr | string | Partners unique customer number / ID. |
page | int | Page number to view, zero-indexed, first page is 0. The default is 0. |
pagesize | int | Number of records to return per page. Default is 1000. Max is 1000. |
extended | int | Get extended CDR information, 0=false, 1=true. |
cdr_id | int | Kaisa's unique ID of cdr. |
newest_first | true | Changes the order of records, newest first |
Name | Type | Description |
cdr_id | int | Kaisa's unique ID of cdr. |
start | string | Start timestamp in UTC. |
duration | int | Call duration in seconds. |
duration_adjusted 1) | int | Call duration adjusted, 0=not adjusted, 1=adjusted. |
anum | string | A number (caller), masked with “xxx” at the end. |
anum_md5 | string | MD5 sum of unmasked anum (salted). |
bnum | string | B number (Kaisa number). |
cnum | string | C number (Kaisa customers real phone number). |
customer_id | int | Kaisa's unique ID for customer. |
source_id | int | Kaisa's unique ID for source. |
custnr | string | Partners unique customer number / ID. |
answered | int | Call answer status, 0=not answered, 1=answered. |
quarantined | int | Source quarantine status, 0=not quarantined, 1=quarantined. |
anum_ndc_name | string | A numbers area code and name of area code. |
timestamp 2) | string | Source creation timestamp in UTC. |
expire 3) | string | Source expiry timestamp in UTC. |
source_media 4) | string | Source media field. |
source_name 5) | string | Source name field. |
class 6) | int | Source class type. |
custom_N 7) | string | Customer and source custom field value where N between 1 and 20 (customer) or 101 and 120 (source). |
publisher_id 8) | int | Kaisa's unique ID for publisher. |
partner_publisher_id 9) | string | Partners unique ID for publisher. |
campaign_id 10) | int | Kaisa's unique ID for campaign. |
partner_campaign_id 11) | string | Partners unique ID for campaign. |
pricing_model_id 12) | int | Kaisa's unique ID for price model. |
commission 13) | decimal | Commission for this call. |
cli_id 14) | string | CLI ID (only valid for CPS campaigns). |
order_id 15) | string | Order ID (only valid for CPS campaigns). |
voicemail_id 16) | string | Kaisa's unique ID for voicemail. Null if no voicemail exists. |
recording_id 17) | string | Kaisa's unique ID for recording. Null if no recording exists. |
transcript_category 18) | string | Kaisa's transcription category for calls analysed by SpeechToText feature. |
cc_matching_categories 19) | string[] | Array of matching categories from Call Categoriser workflow ordered by number of matches in descending order (most matching category comes first) |
cc_most_significant_category20) | string | The most significant matching category from Call Categoriser workflow (i.e. the first item in the cc_matching_categories array) |
Method not supported.
Method not supported.
Mandatory parameters
Name | Type | Description |
customer_id | int | Kaisa's unique ID for customer. |
cdr_id | int | Id for the call |
Name | Type | Description |
customer_id | int | Kaisa's unique ID for customer. |
to_date | string | Date for calls to be deleted up to |
With optional
Name | Type | Description |
from_date | string | Starting date for calls to be deleted |
What will happen?
It will clear any personal information from all specified callspecs, including any related measures.
1) This only applies to calls gathered from Kaisa Mobile Tracking SDK
2), 3), 4), 5), 6), 7), 8), 9), 10), 11), 12), 13), 14), 15), 16), 17), 18), 19),20)Only outputted if extended=1
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