Uplift Tag Commander’s web analytics performance with data for phone calls provided by Kaisa for detailed analysis of your online visitors and their effect on your marketing campaigns. Create an accurate customer journey that spans marketing channels and devices.
Simply put, enhance your understanding of your websites conversion abilities by using Kaisa and trace back the online footprints of visitors who interact with you offline.
Step by step activation
1. Add the lines inside the two sections below to the Kaisa tag on your site.
<script type="text/javascript">
var __fs_conf = __fs_conf || [];
__fs_conf.push(['setAdv',{'id': 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'}]);
// Section 1
__fs_conf.push(['autoInvoke', false]);
function __fs_tcidCallback(TCID) {
__fs_conf.push(['setParameterString', 'TCID='+TCID ]);
// End of section 1
<script type="text/javascript" src="//analytics.freespee.com/js/external/fs.js"></script>
// Section 2
<script type="text/javascript" src="//sync.commander1.com/t6s0he2whh75gwjrk5529a35hm76qimq/getuid&callback=__fs_tcidCallback"></script>
// End of section 2
2. Get your dedicated subdomain and account number for Tag Commander.
3. Log in to Kaisa, open the Recipes tab and search for Tag Commander.
4. Find the Tag Commander integration and click the toggle to Activate.
5. Fill in the account information from Step 2 and click Save changes.
6. The installation is completed!
How it works:
- Kaisa captures the Tag Commander ID.
- When a call is made Kaisa sends information about the call to Tag Commander.
What we send:
- Visitor ID.
- Call value.
- Call status (answered/missed).
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